5 Classroom Management Techniques
for Teachers

Classroom management techniques that work!

Are you looking for classroom management techniques? Do you need new or improved classroom management strategies or a classroom management plan?  Maybe you are new to this wonderful teaching profession but discovering classroom management styles...

Classroom Management Techniques
Tip: 1 Clear Expectation

Are you looking for tips on classroom management?

Do students know what your expectations are and how to meet those expectations? Also, after a student breaks a rule or fails to meet your expectations, what consequences are in place? Make sure you have detailed your expectations and modeled for students. However, I recommend keeping your list of expectations and consequences small so they are more manageable for kids. So, what are the 3 major behaviors that you are not going to tolerate? You may need a classroom behavior plan or individual behavior plan for students who are struggling with their behavior.  This is key when developing your classroom management techniques.

Set students up for success! Teach your classroom rules and exactly how you want them to meet your expectations. If it's important enough to be a rule, it's important enough to be taught. 

Tip 2: Be Organized

Freshen up your classroom management skills!

Think about your classroom and classroom management techniques for a second. Is it a hot mess? Does everything have a specific place and are you students familiar with these places? Amazon has many great options to help get your classroom organized. Many options are affordable and simple to implement. My suggestion is to invite your students along the way when trying to get organized and keep your classroom that way. 

I personally feel having a well organized classroom and system in place reduces stress. Do what works best for you and your classroom. As I have changed grade level this has somewhat changed for me. 5th grade has a ton of content and specific skills students need to master before heading to middle school. So I have had to adapt my systems.

Tip 3:  Effective Behavior System

Having a classroom management system like Class Dojo and Behavior Bucks is effective!

What type of classroom behavior system and go along with your classroom management techniques do you have in place? What consequences happen when a student doesn't meet your classroom expectations? I don't recommend having too many consequences for students, for it may be too difficult for them to remember. Also, make sure the consequence fits the crime so to speak. However, it's important to give warnings and allow your behavior system that leads up to bigger, heavier consequences. Here is the classroom behavior plan I implement in my classroom. I called it the Clipboard System.

This clipboard system works guy! Give it a try. Another technique I use in addition with the clipboard system. I grabbed a green, yellow, red, and orange BINGO pen from the Dollar Tree. Luckily, my school purchases agendas for every student in the school. I "stamp" agenda every afternoon. Here's how it goes:

Green Dot - no marks

Yellow Dot - 2 marks

Orange Dot - 3 marks

Red Dot - 4 marks (Parent contact)

If I can answer any questions or would like to know more, please email me at teachingdunnsimoky@gmail.com

Class DOJO is another great option for an effective behavior management system.

Behavior Bucks is also great. Keep reading!

Simple and easy to use for classroom discipline.
Check out this classroom behavior management system!

Tip: 4 Morning Meetings

Build great classroom management skills.

Morning meetings are where it's at! So, have you considered having Class Meetings with students? Morning meeting time is a game changer. This provides a unique opportunity to build relationships with students, work on social emotional skills, and set students up for success. Class meetings are very important and your students will be sure to love. Morning meetings or class meetings is something I recently started implementing because I needed a specific time every day to build relationships with my students. A meeting type activity can provide an opportunity to talk with your class and really focus on building those meaningful relationships that are so important. Take the time to invest in your students and it will pay off tremendously.  This is the best tool to add to your classroom management techniques toolbox.

Check out these must read blog post if you are looking for great Morning Meeting Activities and Morning Meeting Games.

Tip: 5 Brain Breaks

Check out these fun brain breaks ideas.

Do you give your students brain breaks? Have you ever worked on something that required a lot of brainpower? As a result, you just felt wiped out afterward? Our students feel the same way. Remember to allow them time to stretch, grab a sip of water, and time to move around. So, if you are looking for brain breaks to implement using technology, check out GoNoodle.

Check out Coach Corey's YouTube Channel. It's great for brain breaks and Coach Corey releases monthly videos that are themed for the month. Another great feature of this YouTube channel is whatever is trending with the kids, he creates a brain break video for. Kids love it!

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