Why I Started Selling My
Teaching Resources Online

Selling teacher resources is something you can do to earn extra income.

Selling my teaching resource online had never crossed my mind. I didn't know it, but this was the answer to many prayers!  Thinking about if you should sell your teaching resources online? Are you looking for ways teachers can make extra money or just searching for a teacher side hustle?  Maybe you wish to work from home full time while still making a splash in the world of education?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, this could be a pivotal moment in your life and career in education.  Now, let me tell you how I got started selling my teaching resources online.  

 Selling my Teaching Resources Online 
Teacher Side Hustle

Teacher side hustle that you can work from home while teaching?

In December of 2018, I started considering the possibilities of starting a teacher side hustle. I knew a boost of income would be great for my family and would drastically speed up paying off my student loan debt.  However, my struggle was figuring out how I could make money, work from home, teach full time, and continue to take care of my family. The reality of my situation set in and I began thinking a teacher side hustle wasn’t in the cards for me.  Later in the day, I jumped on Instagram for a few minutes while my children were playing with the toys Santa brought. Selling my teaching resources online? Hmm, that was a thought so I started digging in and doing some research.

On Instagram, a friend of mine mentioned someone by the name of Kayse Morris who was very energetically talking about selling teacher resources online. So, after surveying her profile, I noted that this teacher had nearly 40,000 followers, was from Georgia, and was clearly successful. I visited Kayse's teaching style blog and her very successful TpT store and a lightning bolt struck me.  This was my teacher's side hustle...this was it! At that point I was already designing and creating the majority of my classroom teaching resources.  However, I knew I would need to learn how to navigate my way into selling and marketing my teaching resources online. I was ready to learn how to professionally create, protect, market, and organize my teacher resources online.  That’s when I found the course CEO teacher formally known as Transform Your Resources by Kayse Morris.

The CEO Teacher

The CEO teacher academy was a total game changer for me!

After making the decision to go all-in, I downloaded Kayse’s workbook and completed the steps. Then, a big commitment for me was deciding to sign up for Transform Your Resources. I knew this course would give me a lifetime of value and would be worth the money spent! Transform Your Resources was an excellent investment for me and my business. Kayse provides a step-by-step course for designing, creating, selling and marketing your teaching resources online. 

What to expect...

Each module includes multiple videos!  G-E-N-U-I-S!  I am a note taker and I loved that I could pause the video or watch again if needed.

Creating, Designing, and Editing Teacher Resources - I learned SO much during this module. PowerPoint has so many great features you can implement to make your classroom teacher resources stand out from the rest!  

SEO Module - Search Engine Optimization.  All the tips and tricks you need to know about search engines.

Marketing - Social media includes...Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook!  Great tips and tricks that work! Hello!

Blogging - powerful, step-by-step directions on how to purchase your domain, use Wordpress.org, etc

Hello Extra MONEY!

By Module 2 in Transform Your Resources, it was clear to me that this wasn’t just my teacher side hustle anymore.  This was my pay my student loans off, pay my house off, or buy a beach house business. My new business, Teaching Dunn Simply, was the vehicle for changing my family's financial future and I had the pedal to the metal! So, now my teacher style blog is a part of my teaching story, and I am so proud. Teachers and educators that have purchased my teaching resources online from my Teachers pay Teachers store needed help. Maybe time was of the essence, or they needed an activity to teach a specific standard. Maybe they were preparing for state testing or were struggling with classroom management. I love creating teaching resources, activities, games, graphic organizers, checklists, and test prep materials and teacher blogging to make an impact on teachers from all over.  Best. Feeling. Ever.

Change your family's financial outlook!  This is my dream and I am currently taking action to accomplish this goal thanks to investing in myself and my business.  My current action is to join the CEO Teacher Academy by Kayse Morris. This is a monthly membership for teachers who have taken Transform Your Resources and have taken their business to yet another level. Kayse just doesn’t go away after you complete the course. You can sign up for the CEO Teacher Academy and continue to power your way straight to the top!

So, what are you waiting for?  Jump in and make it happen. Nothing in this world happens by chance.  YOU, my friend, are in charge of how far you go and how fast you get there.  So, join the movement in making a positive impact on teachers and students all over the world. If you are not pumped about the idea of selling your teaching resources online and joining Transform Your Resources, better check your pulse!

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